Coronavirus: what are the consequences for work?

- Filip Tilleman
A pandemic such as a coronavirus (COVID-19) has a significant impact on our professional lives. We, therefore, answer some pressing questions. How to fight the virus in the workplace? What to do if a colleague becomes infected? What if I am infected myself? Do I still have to come to work? Am I entitled to my regular wages?

The benefits of the collective non-recurring result-related bonus

- Filip Tilleman
These days, almost everything in the relationship between employer and employee is labelled as wages, with all the consequences in terms of social security and taxation. A bonus via CLA 90 is an exception in this regard, as it is a legal system for employees, whereby only a personal social security contribution is withheld that is not subject to withholding tax on wages. It goes without saying that workers and trade unions are advocates for such a system.