Why employers and employees should work together to fight colon cancer.
‘If you don’t know the enemy then you will never win the war’. This lies at the basis of my fight against colon cancer. During my career of almost 30 years as a gastrointestinal specialist at Sint-Vincentius hospital in Antwerp I have seen far too many cases of colon cancer. It hardly makes you cheerful to have to tell 7 people each month that they have colon cancer, year after year, month after month. My biggest frustration was that it always came as such a shock to these people. “Why me?, “How is that possible? I have a healthy lifestyle!,” “But we have a check-up in my company every year”, “I had a blood test only recently”,…
It is such a shame to see that, even in 2017, people still develop and die of colon cancer due to a lack of information. Even when we live in a society in which we are surrounded by information. It seems to be the other way around in the case of colon cancer.
Take a look at the following questions and see if you can answer them:
- How many people in your company will ever be confronted with colon cancer?
- How many Flemish people lose the battle against colon cancer each day?
- How many victims die each day in Europe?
- When is International Colon Cancer Awareness month?
- What colour is the ribbon symbolising the battle against colon cancer?
- What is the chance of being cured if colon cancer is tracked down at an early stage?
I will certainly not be offended if readers fail to answer all of these questions. However, I would like to offer help in answering them. Companies increasingly promote “corporate social responsibility”. Wouldn’t it be amazing to call a halt to colon cancer in your own organisation. And, in doing so, save perhaps your secretary, your most loyal employee or your cleaning lady? Because, let’s be clear, it can happen to anybody.
“Share knowledge to save lives”. It should not stop at an empty slogan. I have nothing against the umpteenth research and evaluation team being replaced by an action committee. I can promise you that you it will soon deliver results, including in your own company. I speak from experience.
In late 2015 I decided to take the plunge and change career. A move from the “operating room” to the “auditorium” to quote the press. I am delighted to have taken the step, allowing me to provide even more information and education. I have not regretted it for one moment. In this way I am able to save even more lives, spare more suffering and save more costs. This win-win-win situation could also be applied to your company.
I am happy that all the puzzle pieces are coming together. Passion, mission, vocation and profession…: “Ikigai”. Feel free to google it! I have discovered the meaning of life.
Someone once said: “The best campaign is the one that is done, not the one that is discussed for many years”. Does anybody know the history of this quote, or who said it? If you do, please let me know!
You will definitely find out during my lecture!
#samensterk, (#togetherstrong)
Luc Colemont
http://www.stopdarmkanker.be/geef-darmkanker-geen-kans/ (sign up for your lecture here and read the reactions of people who have already attended one)
Luc Colemont - Managing Director Stop Colon Cancer and Gastroenterologist
Dr. Luc Colemont is a gastrointestinal specialist and spent over 28 years working in the GZA Sint-Vincentius hospital in Antwerp. He studied medicine at the L.U.C. and the U.A. and received his doctor's diploma in 1982. He specialised in internal medicine in Antwerp, in the Mayo Clinic (Rochester, Minnesota USA), King/Drew Medical Center (Los Angeles, California USA) and the Klinikum der Stadt Mannheim (Germany).
Ever since 1 January 2016 he has worked full-time as the “Managing Director” of the non-profit company Stop Darmkanker, which he co-founded in February 2010.
His main focus is on informing and educating the general public and carers about colon cancer. He is a very popular speaker both at home and abroad. He has also written the book “Stop Darmkanker: kennis delen kan levens redden” (Stop colon cancer: sharing knowledge can save lives) (4th edition – Lannoo Campus) and is extremely active on social media (@LucColemont)